2024/25 Academy RATES
Welcome to the 2024 / 25 swim season.
The Academy runs on 4 terms per annum.
Term 1 – January/ February/ March.
Term 2 – April/ May/June.
Term 3 – July/ August/ September.
Term 4 - October/ November/ December.
New swimmers, starting lessons after any set term has commenced, will be billed on a pro rata rate.
two choices for Learn to Swim contracts:
1. 3 month contract terms - two full calendar months' notice required (Submitted in writing before the first day of their notice months) (Discount not valid for squad training)
- 5% discount payable either in one lump sum / term - on or before the first day of each month
2. Monthly contract - Notice period is one full calendar month (Submitted in writing before the first day of their notice month) payable on or before the first day of the month. No discount is applicable.
Learn to swim/ stroke development
Registration : of R130.00 per person. This fee is non-refundable and shall include a swimming cap. Braided caps cost R60 in addition to the above.
1 lesson per week. R490 per month - (Monthly payment R465/month x 3) - 4 lessons per month
2 lessons per week. R800.00 per month. (Monthly payment R760/month x 3) - 8 lessons per month
3 lessons per week. R950.00 per month. (Monthly payment R900/month x 3) - 12 lessons per month
GUPPIES – bridging squad/ advanced stroke development.
Rates as shown above.
Limitless Squads
Registration : of R130.00 per person. This fee is non-refundable and shall include a branded swimming cap. Braided caps cost R60 in addition to the above.
Squad Training
Developing athleticism, self‐discipline, self‐motivation and
good character.
Smaller squad numbers/ session.
BARRACUDAS – “Learning to train”
• R490 a month – 1 session a week
• R800 a month – 2 sessions a week
• R950 a month – 3 or more times per week.
Squad training “alters” an athlete’s DNA. The constant pressure of training nudges an athlete’s body to adapt into a more efficient human.
Swimmers start to understand, how to take instruction as a group, and to build their technique, endurance, and mental tenacity.
SWORDFISH - “Learning to train to compete”.
R800 a month – 2 sessions a week
R950 a month – 3 or more times per week.
NB. 1x week not offered at this level.
A trained swimmer is never bored during a training session. They are too occupied, dividing sets, correcting mistakes, and “hanging in”.
Building mental tenacity.
This group is introduced to BHAGS – Big Hairy Audacious Goals and planning the journey to succeed.
Swimming 1x a week is not recommended, nor offered without prior arrangement. Simply – Swimmers are left behind, and soon are unable to keep up with the squad.
League/School swimmers
“Learning to train and compete”.
Training to keep fit.
Swimmers are overachievers.
They always do well at school.
They regularly collect the merits at prize giving.
Why, you may ask?
They have learned to constantly better themselves – in every field.
SWIMMING IS TOUGH. Mental and physical tenacity is necessary to follow, and stay with squad training.
Only one rate offered - R1000 per month.
Swim SA League highly recommended.
SHARKS – level 3 to SA Nationals:
“Training to win.”
Sessions per week – 4 to 6 - dependent on gala schedules.
(No sessions offered while squad is in competition).
Coaching fee: R750.00 per month
Facility fee: R250.00 per month
Total: R1000.00 per month
2 months notice period required for SHARKS and DOLPHINS.
- Our swimmers come first
- We have no subsidies for the Province nor Government. As a private facility we are liable for all expenses to run the facility and to pay salaries.
- Parents, if you are genuinely unable to afford these rates, we do have a program in place to assist. Chat to Liz for more details.